Sist endret 2024.11.15 01:35
Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG) og Bergen (and BSD) Linux User Group inviterer til medlemsmøte.
Alle medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer er velkomne. Arrangementet er gratis.
- Tid:
- Tirsdag 2. november 2021 kl. 18.30
- Sted:
- Pressemeldingsrommet, Media City Bergen, Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen. Møtet vil også bli strømmet på internett, og sendes også direkte på <>.
Lenke til videoopptaket av foredraget:
Månedens tema er: «Why Open Source is the key for Privacy and Digital Sovereignty» med Frank Karlitschek. Foredraget vil foregå på engelsk. Kort om presentasjonen:
The security and the personal data on the internet are under attack by hackers and international espionage programs. The question who controls what data and application becomes more important every day. And governments care more and more about Digital Sovereignty and how this effects the future of countries.
The GDPR was supposed to give people more control over their data. But now that the European Court of Justice declared the US Cloud Act incompatible with the GDPR the question arises how data should be stored and processed in the future.
The Nextcloud community is building an open source and fully federated and distributed network for files and communication. Everyone can run a Nextcloud server at home or somewhere on the internet and collaborate and share with everyone else. Nextcloud can be used to provide file access, syncing, sharing, calendar, contacts, video calling, music and video streaming in a distributed way.
This talk will cover the current problems with surveillance and espionage and strategies on how to fix this problem. It will also discuss the current and upcoming federation features of Nextcloud and how to become a part of the community.
Dette er noe du må få med deg på møte eller på videooverføring av foredragene.
Frank Karlitschek is a long time open source developer and former board member of the KDE e.V. In 2016 he founded Nextcloud to create a full open source decentralized alternative to big centralized US cloud companies. In 2012 he initiated the User Data Manifesto to define basic human rights regarding personal data. Frank was an invited expert at the W3C to help to create the ActivityPub internet standard. Frank has spoken at MIT, CERN, Harvard and ETH, and keynoted several conferences. Frank is the founder and CEO of Nextcloud GmbH. He is also a fellow of Open Forum Europe and an advisor to the United Nations regarding Intellectual Property and Open Source.
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Medlemsmøtet vil også bli direktesendt over internett. For mer informasjon se <> om direktesending av video.
Minner forøvrig om NUUGs IRC-kanal #nuug på, mailinglisten for diskusjon om aktiviteten i NUUG og at NUUGs kalender er tilgjengelig på iCalender-format via <>.
Vel møtt!