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Sist endret 2024.11.15 01:35

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Medlemsmøte 2019-12-10: My personal fight against the modern laptop

Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG) inviterer til medlemsmøte i NUUG Oslo.

Alle medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer er velkomne. Arrangementet er gratis. Etter foredraget (fra ca. 19:30) blir det sosialt samvær.

Tirsdag 10. desember 2019 kl. 18.30
Teknologihuset, 3.etg, liten sal Pilestredet 56, Oslo.

Månedens tema er: «My personal fight against the modern laptop» med Hamish Coleman. Foredraget vil foregå på engelsk. Kort om forelesningen:

This talk will take you through some tools and techniques I used to reverse engineer the keyboard controller in my Thinkpad x230 laptop.

I was driven to start this project when the laptops currently on sale just did not meet my requirements. Even the durable Thinkpad laptops I preferred in the past are being dumbed down. Eventually, I will need a new laptop - and with the available offerings, I just do not want anything that currently can be purchased off the shelf.

To keep the project achievable, I reduced my gripes to just the keyboard - asking the question: "Can I shoehorn an older keyboard in a modern laptop?"

Taking you through UEFI, ARCompact CPUs, Firmware Reversing, big structure dumping, SMM and custom virtual machines to answer that with "maybe."

I hope to inspire others to address their hardware gripes too - and offer some tools and the confidence that they can.

Hamish hacks hardware, software and organizes the Dim Sum Labs hackerspace in Hong Kong. He has always liked to bend hardware to his will, which led to a career as a Systems Programmer and means that he is always trying to understand what he can see inside the case. Hamish currently lives in Hong Kong - tiny living with his many tiny computers.

Medlemsmøtet vil også bli direktesendt over internett, adressen til videostrømmen er <https://www.nuug.no/live.m3u>, som du kan åpne i nettleseren eller direkte i mediaavspilleren. For mer informasjon se egen side om direktesending av video.

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Vel møtt!