Sist endret 2024.11.15 01:35
Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG) inviterer til medlemsmøte i NUUG Oslo.
Alle medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer er velkomne. Arrangementet er gratis. Etter foredraget (fra ca. 19:45) blir det sosialt samvær.
- Tid:
- Tirsdag 4. april 2017 kl. 18.30
- Sted:
- Teknologihuset, 3.etg, stor sal Pilestredet 56.
Månedens tema er: «Data collection, psychometric profiling and their impact on politics» med Paul-Olivier Dehaye. Foredraget vil foregå på engelsk. Kort om forelesningen:
Most political campaigns are data-driven nowadays, and many are getting into profiling of individual voters. Recently, a company with a strong background in military PSYOPS has implemented technology developed at Cambridge University, to enable psychological profiling based on digital traces. They have then been embedded into some of the most surprising recent political campaigns: Ted Cruz's, Donald Trump's and Leave.EU (Brexit). I will outline my personal journey, first discovering the technology as a test subject for Cambridge University, then investigating this company as a complete amateur, and eventually contributing to an article shared globally.
A background article based on this research was published by NRK Beta early in february 2017, see <>.
Paul-Olivier Dehaye is a mathematician at the University of Zurich working on interoperability tools enabling new forms of collaborative work on mathematical data, knowledge and software. In his spare time, he enjoys litigating (and especially winning!) against multibillion dollar businesses for the defence of his fundamental right to data protection. He is now leveraging that experience as co-founder of PersonalData.IO, a service that helps individuals regain control over their personal data.
Lysark fra presentasjonen er tilgjengelig som PDF (11 MiB) og ODP (21 MiB).
Medlemsmøtet vil også bli direktesendt over internett, adressen til videostrømmen er <>, som du kan åpne i nettleseren eller direkte i mediaavspilleren. For mer informasjon se egen side om direktesending av video.
Minner forøvrig om NUUGs IRC-kanal #nuug på, mailinglisten for diskusjon om aktiviteten i NUUG og at NUUGs kalender er tilgjengelig på iCalender-format via <>.
Vel møtt!