Sist endret 2024.11.15 01:35
Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG) inviterer til medlemsmøte i NUUG Oslo. Alle medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer er velkomne. Arrangementet er gratis. Etter foredraget (fra ca. 20:30) blir det sosialt samvær.
- Tid:
- Tirsdag 14. august 2007 kl. 18:30
- Sted:
- Høgskolen i Oslo, Pilestredet 35.
Presentasjonen starter presis, og dørene inn til auditoriet er låst, så det er lurt å ankomme før 18:30 mens det er folk i døra til å slippe deltagerne inn.
Månedens tema er «Innovation Goes Public»:
Bruce Perens discusses observations on the business models of Open Source. He'll also spend some time on current events, legal threats, legislation, etc.
Bruce Perens is a leader in the Free Software and Open Source community. He is creator of the Open Source Definition, the manefesto of the Open Source movement in Software. He's founder or co-founder of the Open Source Initiative, The Linux Standard Base, Software in the Public Interest, and No-Code International. Perens released his first Free Software program, Electric Fence, in 1987. He is creator of Busybox, which has spawned its own development community and is part of most commercial devices using embedded Linux. Perens is a vice president at Sourcelabs. He was previously HP's Senior Global Strategist for Linux and Open Source. He spent 20 years in the computer graphic animation industry, 12 of them at Pixar Animation Studios. He has a credit on the films A Bug's Life and Toy Story II.
Foredraget ble tatt opp på video og er tilgjengelig i følgende utgaver:
Video: |
Ogg Theora (234M) MPEG1 (168M) H.264 (558M) Quicktime for iPod (272M) |
Lyd: |
Ogg Vorbis ( 30M) MP3 ( 35M) |
Inngangen til høyskolen er ved trikkeholdeplassen Holbergs plass.
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Vel møtt!