Sist endret 2024.11.15 01:35
Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG) inviterer til medlemsmøte i NUUG Oslo.
Alle medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer er velkomne. Arrangementet er gratis.
- Tid:
- Tirsdag 10. november 2020 kl. 18.30
- Sted:
- Virtuelt møte på internett. Koble til i VLC med adressen <>. Deltagere kan snakke sammen på <>, et virtuelt Jitsi-møterom.
Månedens tema er: «Flying rockets with Free Software» med Bdale Garbee. Foredraget vil foregå på engelsk. Kort om presentasjonen:
High power model rocketry is a hobby that lives at the intersection of engineering, craftsmanship, and visceral thrill. While designing and building airframes capable of exceeding the speed of sound on the way to impressive heights is a big part of the challenge, rocket enthusiasts also depend on electronics and software to ensure safety and return each airframe to be flown again.
In addition to holding the highest level of certification in the rocketry hobby and volunteering his time to local and national rocketry clubs and events (including the annual NASA student launch), Bdale also co-founded Altus Metrum, LLC, a provider of avionics for the rocket hobby based entirely on open hardware designs and Free Software.
In this session, Bdale will share his enthusiasm about the rocketry hobby, explaining how everything he does from designing the rockets and propellants, to designing and manufacturing electronics, to running a successful open hardware business, is all accomplished with 100% Free Software!
A contributor to Free Software since 1979, Bdale Garbee is perhaps best known for his quarter-century as a Debian developer. He retired early, after serving for more than a decade as CTO of HP's Linux business before being named an HP Fellow. In addition to co-founding and managing Altus Metrum, LLC, Bdale also serves on several non-profit foundation boards, including the Software Freedom Conservancy, the Freedombox Foundation, and Amateur Radio Digital Communications.
Spørsmål til foredragsholder kan legges inn på notatsiden <> mens presentasjonen pågår.
Medlemsmøtet vil også bli direktesendt over internett. For mer informasjon se <> om direktesending av video.
Minner forøvrig om NUUGs IRC-kanal #nuug på, mailinglisten for diskusjon om aktiviteten i NUUG og at NUUGs kalender er tilgjengelig på iCalender-format via <>.
Vel møtt!