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Medlemsmøte 2005-04-14: Tor

Norsk Unix System Brukers Forening (NUUG) inviterer til medlemsmøte i NUUG Oslo. Alle medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer er velkomne. Arrangementet er gratis. Etter foredraget (fra ca. 20:30) blir det sosialt samvær.

Torsdag 21. april 2005 kl. 18:30
Høgskolen i Oslo, HiO, - Vika, Cort Adelersgt. 30.

Denne gangen er temaet "TOR: Anonymous communication for the United States Department of,Defense...and you.":

What do the United States Department of Defense and the Electronic Frontier Foundation have in common? They have both funded the development of Tor (tor.eff.org), a free-software onion routing network that helps people around the world use the Internet safely.

The public Tor network has 150 servers on five continents, and averages over 40Mbit/s of traffic. Our users include ordinary citizens who want protection from identity theft and prying corporations, corporations who want to look at a competitor's website in private, and aid workers in the Middle East who need to contact their home servers without fear of physical harm.

I'll give an overview of the Tor architecture, and talk about why you'd want to use it, what security it provides, and how user applications interface to it. I'll show a working Tor network, and invite the audience to connect to it and use it.

Roger Dingledine is a security and privacy researcher. While at MIT he developed Free Haven, one of the early peer-to-peer systems that emphasized resource management while retaining anonymity for its users. Currently he consults for the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the U.S. Navy to design and develop systems for anonymity and traffic analysis resistance. Recent work includes anonymous publishing and communication systems, traffic analysis resistance, censorship resistance, attack resistance for decentralized networks, and reputation.

Foredraget ble tatt opp på video og er tilgjengelig i følgende utgaver:
Ogg Theora (182M)
MPEG1 (203M)
H.264 ([an error occurred while processing this directive])
Quicktime for iPod (271M)
Ogg Vorbis ( 42M)
MP3 ( 42M)

Inngangen til skolen er 15 meter fra trikkeholdeplassen Vikatorvet. Skolen har egen parkeringsplass mellom skolen og Ruseløkka skole, men det er svært begrenset plass på denne.

Mer informasjon om hvordan du finner frem på: http://www.iu.hio.no/felles/getthere.phtml .

Vel møtt!