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Medlemsmøte 2004-09-23: Patent, Copyright, DRM, and Licenses in the New World of Free and Open Source Software

Norsk Unix System Brukers Forening (NUUG) inviterer til åpent medlemsmøte i NUUG Oslo torsdag 23. september 2004 kl. 18:30 på Høgskolen i Oslo, HiO, - Vika, Cort Adelersgt. 30. Inngangen er 15 meter fra trikkeholdeplassen Vikatorvet. Skolen har egen parkeringsplass mellom skolen og Ruseløkka skole, men det er svært begrenset plass på denne. Etter foredraget (fra ca. 20:30) blir det sosialt samvær.

Scott Collins will examine the balance between exploration in- and exploitation of- invention: how both creator and community can share the benefits from works of software engineering, composition, music, and other arts. Current approaches will be weighed against proposals from both extremes, and more moderate positions. The presentation will cover other reasonable motivations behind current copyright and patent law, the good, the bad, and how we might fix what we have to work for everyone, including software engineers.

For those of you who attended Richard Stallman's recent presentation, Copyright and Community, you'll find Scott's to be something of a counter-point. While Scott largely embraces Stallman's basic precepts, the two have much on which they disagree.

Scott Collins is an engineer, public speaker, technical evangelist, and one of the voices of the Open Source community. As a key participant and contributor to the Mozilla project since its inception, he first came into the public spotlight in PBS' documentary "Code Rush", chronicling Netscape's push to Open Source its pioneering browser. His depth, approachability, and unique gift to clearly communicate even the most challenging concepts have made him a popular speaker around the globe on topics from the technical to the historical, social, and political ... often all in the same speech, illuminating the connections between.

Foredraget ble tatt opp på video i to deler: del 1 (262 MiB), del 2 (45 MiB).

Mer informasjon om hvordan du finner frem på: http://www.iu.hio.no/felles/getthere.phtml.

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